
When Should We Call You?

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When Should We Call You?

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Privacy Policy

Cosmo Instruments CO.,LTD (hereinafter called as “Company”) regards that proper protection of personal information, which obtained through website or e-mail, of user (hereinafter called as “Customer”) is company’s social responsibility.Proper utilization of personal information is highly effective and helps company for not only developing a product customer really looking for but promptly providing useful information.
On the other hand, for customer to use website safely and freely, company establishes Privacy Policy (as shown below) in conjunction with following a law, guideline and so on when it specially comes to handlings of personal information.

  • When obtaining, maintaining, utilizing and disclosing personal information, company makes sure not undermine customer’s benefit.

  • Unnecessary for customer to disclose any personal information when accessing to website. Access only will not cause any personal information leak.

  • When it comes to handlings of personal information, company appoints an administrator to conduct proper management.

  • Company attempts to protect customer’s personal information from a loss, falsification, leak, illicit access, destruction, computer virus and so on by taking appropriate and necessary security measures under strict management. Also company conducts appropriate and necessary surveillance to employees and representatives to promote safe management.

  • Company responds based on relevant laws, in a reasonable scope, sincerely, and rapidly to any contact through the inquiry page regarding the handling of personal information. In this case company may confirm your identity.

  • Company manages personal information with a great care and shall never disclose and provide to the third party without prior customer consensus, except the following cases;

  • When judiciary or an administrative body requests
  • When judging it is appropriate for affiliated companies and representatives to act on behalf of company (Ex: Representatives reply to an inquiry or conduct a repair service and so on
  • When disclosing to whom company has already concluded a nondisclosure agreement (Ex: subcontractors)
  • When entrusting handlings of personal information to any of affiliated companies and representatives to the extent only necessary to achieve our goal.
  • Company may provide any personal information to the extent only necessary to achieve the followings;

  • Enhance service, develops new products
  • Conduct a market research and analysis in order to provide sufficient service to customer
  • For purposes company separately specifies, informs and announces
  • Provide service and related information to customer
  • Some of contents link to other websites but company is not involved in their operations and administrations at all. Thus, will not be able to take any responsibilities to their handlings of personal information.

  • Company takes a training and an educational campaign so that board members and employees are able to deeply understand, appropriately treat personal information

  • Company will continuously review, improve contents of Privacy Policy, depending on revision of laws and ordinances and social conditions


Constructing a new building for office and plant in Manesar, Gurugram, Haryana to expand business.
Started a new venture manufacturing plant at Bengaluru.
Took a new shed in Chennai to expand manufacturing business.

© Copy Rights 2024 Cosmo Instruments India Pvt. Ltd.

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